The Czech Republic is a member of the European Union since 2004 and, due to the fact that Czech is also a Member State of the Hague Convention (including the Apostil Convention and bilateral agreements with some other states member of the EU), the decisions of The European Court are…
In the Czech Republic, the Civil Law provides rules and regulation on the seizure of assets when a debtor is in the incapacity of debt payment. The types of assets that may be the subject to execution are:bank accounts, tangible movable assets, means of transport, immovable goods, other assets such…
Get in touch with our lawyers experienced in debt collection in Czech Republic by phone, by e-mail or by visiting us at our office. E-mail: clients(at) Replace (at) with @ – We do this to avoid spam. Ph: +420 721 565 868 Address: Nové sady 988/2, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic Another way to get in touch with us…
The Czech Republic is one of the most stable and economically developed country of the post-Communist states and it scored a growth of over 6% per year, before the recent global economic crisis, which effected several companies and lead to the incapacity of payment and, implicitly, to a growth of…